Ethnic Dance Chicago (EDC)
Dancing As a Second Language - - Mobile: (847)-846-8139
Welcome to Online NYEP Reservations
Monday, December 31, 2018 - Pot Luck Dinner 7:30pm-8:30pm - Dance Party 8:30pm-2:00am
Check-in/Setup 7:00pm
  1. From pull-down menu select the appropriate option/price then click "Add to Cart"
  2. In the Shopping Cart (if necessary), adjust quantity using "+" or "-" (price will recalculate)
  3. Use the "Additional Reservation Info" fields to describe others in your reservation
  4. Click "Continue shopping" (if necessary) OR
  5. Click "PayPal Check out" (to pay with a PayPal account) OR
  6. Click "Check out:" (to pay with a credit/debit card)
  7. Fill out and submit the payment form
  8. You will be returned to EDC HOME

Early Reservation Type


2018 NYEP Announcement

2018 NYEP Registration Form