Virtual Dance Room
Clara Byom
(Ettrick, WI - Albuquerque, NM)
(Musician, Singer)
Clara Byom is a versatile multi-instrumentalist, electronic musician, musicologist, arts administrator, and tunesmith who has been described as having “radiant energy” and “immense talent.” Perpetually curious and driven by her Wisconsin dairy farmer work ethic, she is skilled at clarinets, accordion, and piano and deeply knowledgeable about a myriad of musical genres. Clara has premiered over 40 new classical works as soloist, collaborator, or as a part of the New Mexico Contemporary Ensemble, which she co-founded in 2016 with Dalton Harris. Inspired by community-building through music, Clara is proud to serve on the Board of Directors for the Klezmer Institute, New Mexico Folk Music and Dance Society, and the New Mexico Contemporary Ensemble. Clara holds a Master of Music degree from the University of New Mexico in Clarinet Performance and Musicology (2017) and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Luther College (2012).