Dancing Bear Join us in the Dancing Bear
VDR Logo
"Where the World Comes to Dance"
Friday Dance Party 7:30pm-11:00pm-ish Central + Post Dance Discussion
(Sound Checks/Music: 7:00pm – Repertoire Workshop: 7:30pm – Dance Party: 8:00pm – Discussion: 11:00pm-ish until …)
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Virtual Dance Room Home
Virtual Dance Room General Information

VDR General Information

  • Donate to Support the Virtual Dance Room - Online & Offline Donation Options
    • VDR sessions are free, however we greatly need & appreciate your donations that offset operating costs, including Zoom & internet fees, increased facility rent, equipment replacement/repair costs and funding for musicians and dance workshop instructors.
    • We suggest a donation of $10 per person per session (or best effort) or between $20 and $25 per month when you attend.
    • Check out the two GREEN BUTTONS on the right to review donation options.


Upcoming VDR / EDC / DCFF Special Events

  • Jun 13-16 (Weekend) Annual June Camp

VDR Policy with respect to Requests

  • We'd love to see more interaction between hosts and participants - such as requests
    • So what can we do to entice participants to submit requests?
  • To that end, we invite participants to play a more active role by:
    • Requesting dances to be led, played or taught by our talented hosts
  • How can you do this?
    • Login to the updated and easier to use VDR Online Request List
    • https://virtualdanceroom.net/requests/
      • Move to the next available open request row (automated soon)
      • Enter your request and comments (request to teach, play, etc.)
      • Enter your name & email (optional)
    • We'll monitor this Online Request List and schedule dances accordingly
  • We'll continue the practice of leaving most of Set 500 open for your requests.
    • Please send your in-session requests via Zoom Chat to the "Music Hall"

View All About "Stuff"


View/Download Virtual Dance Room "Stuff"

Links to MANY Other virtual and in-person Folk Dance Sessions


The GREEN button (below) is for the VDR / DCFF GoFundMe Fundraiser

The BLUE button (below, scroll down) is for regular VDR regular VDR Donations

We've initiated a GoFundMe Fundraising Drive to support VDR and DCFF activities that runs from 1 March through 30 April 2024.

Click this GREEN button below to participate in the VDR / DCFF GoFundMe Fundraising Drive

VDR Donation

Click this GREEN button below for the usual multiple ways to donate to the VIdrual Dance Room

If the VDR provides you with any amount of enjoyment and entertainment, please take a minute to click this link to review our request for your financial support.

To view various online and offline donation options for the VIRTUAL DANCE ROOM, click this Green Button


VDR Donation
Upcoming VDR & Other Dance Events - Save These Dates

Advanced Notice - Some Upcoming Events - Save These Dates

  • Jun 13-16 (Weekend) - June Camp with Roberto Bagnoli in Lake Forest, IL
  • Jul 12-14 (Weekend) - 45th Annual Door County Folk Festival (Tentative)
  • Jul 21-28 (Week) - Stockton 2024 Summer Camp Week 1
  • Jul 25-8 (Weekend) - New Mexico Folk Dance Camp with Shmulik Gov-Ari
  • Jul 28-Aug 3 (Week) - Stockton 2024 Summer Camp Week 1


Fred Bear invites you to Czech out these links to many International Folk Dance Events! - (Save these dates!)

  • Jun 15/16 (Sat/Sun) - 8:15pm - to 3:00am-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
    • NO Monthly VDR Late Night After Party - VDR merges with theJune Camp Parties
    • Join the June Camp Saturday Party - See Above
  • Jun 21 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Jun 28 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Jul 5 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Jul 19 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Jul 20/21 (Sat/Sun) - 8:15pm-3:00am CDT
    • Dance More at VDR's Late Night Global Dance After-Party + Post Dance Discussion
  • Jul 26 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Aug 2 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Aug 9 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Aug 16 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Aug 17/18 (Sat/Sun) - 8:15pm-3:00am CDT
    • Dance More at VDR's Late Night Global Dance After-Party + Post Dance Discussion
  • Aug 23 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event
  • Aug 30 (Fri) - 7:30pm - to 11:30pm-ish CDT - Hybrid Event



If the VDR provides you with any amount of enjoyment and entertainment, please take a minute to click this link to review our request for your financial support.

To view various online and offline donation options for the VIRTUAL DANCE ROOM, click this BLUE button

VDR Donation


Virtual Dance Room (VDR) Followups

The Mystery Dance Theme Challenge of Friday, October 29, 2023

    • We planned a "Mystery Dance Theme" for all music used in sets 50 and 100.
      • Accidentally, all music for sets 200 and 400 followed this theme.
      • All dances except 1 in set 300 followed this theme.
      • Unfortunately, no one guessed the theme this time.
      • Instead of usinga lot of alternate music for doing dances on Halloween (other groups did that) we put the Halloween mood into the program by using only music in a minor scale or modal scale (Mixolydian, Lydian, Phrygian, Dorian, etc.)
      • I think we did this theme a couple of years ago and will try it again sometime.

The Mystery Dance Theme Challenge of Fridays, July 21 and August 4, 2023

    • The Mystery Dance Theme was continued on August 4th from the Friday July 21st dance
      • Barbara Bleisch (St Louis) guessed correctly (on the 21st) that all the dances had movements into the center and out / or forward to the center and back
        • We wanted 1 or 2 or more prize-winners, so the theme continued on August 4 and all hosts (Melissa, Theresa, Barbara-B) included theme dances in their sets
      • Erika Nadas (Chicago, IL), a fellow dancer and college mate of mine, got a 95% noting that all dances had movement into and out of the center - Erika also suggested that the dances seemed to then progress around the circle, but several did not.
      • Don Weeda (Austin, TX) took a look at the list and sent an email guessing that all dances had backing up, but not all went forward - which was only half correct. Besides, Besides, Don did not actually login, so he gets a 50% (and an honorable mention) but no fabulous prizes.

Special VDR Life Celebration Dance Party of July 28, 2023

    • This event was a great success
    • Thanks to all of the 40+ International Folk Dancers and Bulgarian Folk Dancers and Musicians who attended in person and to the 75+ participants who attended virtually

    • We used this occasion to celebrate the lives of several dancers who've had an impact on Chicago International Folk Dancing and who've recently passed away

      • Jeri Lynn Banina Sherby (regular dancer at EDC & the VDR for many years)
      • John Kuo (leader of Balkanske Igre and organizer of the Spring Festival)
      • Mary Garvin (Twin Cities dance leader who taught regularly at DCFF)


If the VDR provides you with any amount of enjoyment and entertainment, please take a minute to click this link to review our request for your financial support.

To view various online and offline donation options for the VIRTUAL DANCE ROOM, click this BLUE button

VDR Donation
Door County Folk Festival (DCFF) Information
Door County Folk Festival (DCFF) Followups

Aug 20, 2023 (Sun) - Richard "Dick" Miller Celebration of Life in Middleton, WI

  • Aug 20 (Sun) - 1:30pm-5:00pm CDT
    • Celebrate the Life of Richard (Dick) Miller
    • We invite you to celebrate the life of Richard "Dick" Miller (Middleton, Wisconsin) who passed away on January 7, 2023 while on vacation visiting relatives and friends in Nevada.
    • Dick and Miriam Miller played VERY IMPORTANT ROLES by leading extremely fun and creative Youth/Children's Activities for the Festival.
    • Please visit the "Celebrating the Life of Dick Miller" Page on the DCFF website, where you'll find
    • Click to View Dick Miller Page: https://www.dcff.net/dickmiller/
  • Celebration Day Details
    • Lakeview Park Shelter in Middleton, WI - https://visitmiddleton.com/location/lakeview-park/
    • We have the shelter reserved (indoor/outdoor space)
    • We'll begin gathering at 1:30 pm. with a program starting around 2 pm.
    • The afternoon will include time for tributes, music, games, and a late lunch/early dinner concluding around 5 pm
    • We'd love for you to think of a story or memory to share - Click Link Below!

Jul 7-9, 2023 (Fri-Sun) - In-Person and Online Event - afternoon & evening proceedings were Zoomed


We've initiated a GoFundMe Fundraising Drive to support VDR and DCFF activities that runs from 1 March through 30 April 2024.

Click this GREEN button below to participate in the VDR / DCFF GoFundMe Fundraising Drive

VDR Donation
Miscellaneous Stuff

Miscellaneous Stuff


EDC Home | DCFF Home

Additional Information - Tel: (847)-846-8139, (773)-634-9381 - -

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